48 cooperatives
15000 coffee pickers

Operating Company

Promotion of development of added value for coffee in Ethiopia

Promotion of development of added value for coffee in Ethiopia

bfz contributes to strengthening ecologically sustainable wild coffees in the Kaffa region by shifting value addition to wild coffee into rural Ethiopia.

The Union KFCFCU in Bonga represents 48 cooperatives of coffee pickers. 20 out of 48 have already reached the status of being «fair» and have been certified as «organic» in collecting and sun-drying wild coffee berries. The Bonga Polytechnical College already offers training in various occupational fields, but so far no specific training in connection with coffee processing. bfz helps to achieve the appropriate specializations and linking possibilities with KFCFCU and the affiliated cooperatives.

The two German companies Original Food and Dinzler Kaffeerösterei use their expertise to support the development of the further processing steps in Kaffa through professional consulting and training units.

Extending the value chain by roasting and refining wild coffee

The time consuming and complex picking and processing of certified wild coffee is more and more being replaced by intensively cultivated coffee plantations. At the same time, the expansion of plantations and horticulture poses a threat to the last rainforests and the established small-scale farming structures in the region. The aim of this project is to shift value addition to small farmers and coffee pickers working in an ecological sustainable manner. This will significantly increase employment opportunities in the coffee sector in rural Ethiopia and motivate young people to help shape the future in their home country. Up to now, it is mainly young people who often migrate to the cities or abroad, because attractive job offers in rural areas are rare. Farmers who seek to market their coffee products themselves require a solid structure. By setting up such a structure, almost 15,000 farmers organised in cooperatives benefit directly and can generate significantly higher income.

Creating new fields of employment through training and vocational promotion

The Berufliche Fortbildungszentren der Bayerischen Wirtschaft (bfz) gGmbH lays the foundation for new fields of employment where new businesses can be set up in the region. Based on a detailed needs analysis at the beginning of the project, bfz identifies the exact target group and suitable fields of employment in the coffee sector in order to design and develop a detailed list of new jobs. By shifting value adding processes like roasting and packaging of coffee to rural regions, with the help of KFCFCU and technical assistants within the cooperatives, at least 50 new jobs can be created. Through the Polytechnical College about 3,000 students can be reached every year.

The following actions are taken:

  • Train-the-Trainer courses at Bonga Polytechnical College
  • Setting up photo-voltaic systems
  • Setting up a system to roast wild coffee on site


The project is supported by the Bavarian State Chancellery and runs from July 2019 until December 2022.
