18 new trainers for a better water supply

18 new trainers for a better water supply

With qualified personnel, bfz trains water management specialists in Lebanon to improve the precarious situation of water supply and sanitation.

In cooperation with the Ministry of Water and Energy in Beirut, bfz instructs a pool of trainers in the water and wastewater sector. These trainers then have the necessary qualifications to independently train skilled water supply and wastewater disposal workers on-site. In this way, existing plants can be maintained more efficiently or put back into operation through project BIWAC (Bavarian Institutional Water Cooperation).

Overloading of water and sewage plants

Although there is adequate precipitation in Lebanon, the water supply is repeatedly brought to a standstill by bottlenecks in the technical supply network and the additional burden of about 1.5 million (mostly Syrian) refugees. The water administration of the municipalities must cope with more than double water consumption and a correspondingly precarious sewage situation.

Qualification of skilled workers on-site

bfz trains 18 Lebanese trainers in several courses on the subject of water supply and sanitation. They learn not only specialist knowledge, but also didactics in order to carry out training courses and to produce the necessary training material. The trainers in Lebanon can independently instruct skilled workers from water and wastewater plants and maintain existing plants more efficiently or put them back into operation. The construction of a photovoltaic plant on a sewage treatment plant, which has already been completed as part of the project, reduces the power requirement of the plant and the energy costs.

The project is supported by the Bavarian State Chancellery.

1st project phase: 01.01.2017 - 31.12.2017
2nd project phase: 01.01.2018 - 31.03.2019
3rd project phase: 01.09.2019 - 31.12.2020




In Lebanon: Ministry of Energy and Water, Beirut

In Germany: Technologietransfer Wasser (TTW, Landesamt für Umwelt Bayern) und Bayerische Verwaltungsschule (BVS)