
Head of International Department bbw Group

Volker Falch

+49 821 5675610



Several times a year, interested parties responsible for vocational training abroad learn about the German vocational training system at the Bildungswerk der Bayerischen Wirtschaft (bbw). Participants become familiar with the structures and methods of dual training, while exchanging information with German colleagues involved in vocational training.

For many years now, the international division of the bbw Group has been organising further training courses in Germany for foreign delegations, in which they can get to know the dual training concept as well as new methods of teaching and learning.

The focal points of the content are defined in line with needs. Depending on the vocational background of participants, these range from vocational and quality management through to practical training in certain vocational fields.

The German training system as a model

The dual vocational training system in Germany is regarded as a benchmark for comparing performance and is fast becoming a leading export. It forms the backbone of the German economy, enjoying high esteem in much the same way as academic education. An outstanding feature is the close interlinking of schools and companies. Both corporate trainers as well as vocational school teachers undergo extensive training with recourse to state-of-the-art teaching methods for their lessons.

Individual training courses

The bbw offers training programmes individually tailored to requirements for the dual training system. Besides seminars, we also realise practical training. This is particularly advantageous for vocational school teachers, as they can implement and try out new educational and specialised didactic content directly in practice. For practical units, we can draw on the in-house training and technological centres at various sites of the bbw. Excursions relating to specific content round off the training programme.

The duration of the training can range from a few days to several weeks. The bbw can organise the retraining on request.