
Demand- and business-oriented vocational training in Tunisia

Demand- and business-oriented vocational training in Tunisia

As part of a vocational training partnership (BBP), the bbw gGmbH has been cooperating with the Tunisian vocational training agency Agence Tunisienne de la Formation Professionnelle (ATFP) and five of its vocational schools (BBZ) in the governorates of Sousse and Siliana. The aim is to improve the local training offer by promoting practice-oriented training components and to strengthen cooperation between the vocational schools and the private sector. The focus is on promoting Tunisian youth and young adults as well as Tunisian SMEs. Job opportunities and income are expected to be increased through a reinforced orientation of the training that meets accordingly the needs of the labor market.

The bbw supports the Tunisian vocational training authorities in their education system reform. The bbw accompanies 5 vocational schools in Sousse and Siliana to embed the dual elements into vocational training. In addition, the bbw gathers companies and representatives of the Tunisian economy, and state institutions together, thereby promoting public-private dialogue and cooperation.

Great need for dual vocational training

The Tunisian education representatives want to align vocational education and training closer with labor market requirements in order to make vocational education and training more attractive and to increase job opportunities. For this purpose, appropriate expertise in dual education and training is required. The project Vocational Training Partnership Tunisia fulfills precisely this need and enables the transfer of German know-how. In this way, the project partners can learn the best practices and successfully carry out the processes themselves.

Development of skills with the project partners

The bbw qualifies vocational school teachers for career orientation and implementation of dual education and training. In order to monitor the apprentices, the personnel capacities in the companies have been empowered. The bbw gathers companies and vocational schools together and promotes the dialogue between the social partners in Tunisia.

The project is financed by the BMZ and administered by sequa. The implementation period is from 01/01/2019 to 31/12/2021


