
Project Coordinator Global Learning

Anne Oertel

+49 9281 717716

Global Learning FAIRnetzt

Global Learning FAIRnetzt

A combination of digital media with global learning

bbw International cooperates with the Development Aid Education Programme (FEB) for a pioneering educational project to promote education for sustainable development (ESD) by training multipliers. At the same time, young participants are encouraged to engage in global challenges. The target group of the project are employees of the bbw Group and participants in vocational preparation programmes throughout Germany. Through the project, bbw International aims to create an understanding of global interrelations, to highlight opportunities for action and to document examples of best practices in order to promote and disseminate global learning, both within the bbw Group and beyond.

Global interrelationships are becoming increasingly complex

Climate change, scarcity of raw materials and the COVID pandemic are current global challenges. Given the complexity of these issues and the growing risk of splitting the society through disinformation and hatred on the internet, global learning is of crucial importance. It enables sustainable thinking and acting in the context of global problems.

Digital exchange between young people from North and South

Participants in vocational preparation programmes in Germany communicate directly with young people from project countries around the world in order to develop a project together. This raises their awareness of global interrelationships and improves their language, media and practical skills. For employees of the bbw Group, bbw International offers a series of further trainings, where basics and methods for implementing innovative teaching projects are taught.

The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through the Development Aid Education Programme (FEB)

Duration: May 2023 - June 2025

