
Identification, motivation, partial qualification and professional integration of IDP's in Eastern Ukraine

Identification, motivation, partial qualification and professional integration of IDP's in Eastern Ukraine

Professional integration of internally displaced persons: The offer of labor market-oriented qualification modules with dual training structures, individual competence development and action-oriented teaching methods has a positive influence on the economic development and individual living conditions of IDPs (internally displaced persons) and in the long term contributes to the modernization of the Ukrainian economy.

Since October 2018, the Bildungswerk der Bayerischen Wirtschaft (bbw) has been advising and supporting regional partners - NGOs and vocational schools - in the development and implementation of several market-oriented specialist qualifications. The project specifically addresses IDPs (internally displaced persons) and promotes their professional (re-)integration.

Qualification in line with the labor market needs leads to skilled workers

In order for the participants to find their way into the job market after completing their qualifications, the project focuses on need orientation. To this end, partial qualification modules that are suitable for the labor market are first developed, taking into account regional economic structures, and then implemented by the partners. The necessary know-how is provided by bbw. In various training courses local teachers are trained in topics such as methodology, didactics and technical knowledge.

Integration Coaching as a success factor 

Furthermore, bbw trains the local partners' personnel to become so-called "integration coaches". These coaches are trained in topics such as competence assessment, competence development, case management, preparation of progress and target documentation as well as to aid in labor market integration. They then use the competence analysis to acquire participants. Throughout the entire qualification process, the coaches accompany the participants on an individual level and support them in their transition to the job market. The project ends on 31 March 2021 and is financed by the BMZ through GIZ.
