Practice-oriented VET

Practice-oriented VET

Improving vocational training is boosting competitiveness. It is creating job opportunities for young adults and generating growth for small and medium-sized companies in Mozambique.

Since July 2015, the vocational training centres of the Bayerischen Wirtschaft (bfz) have been working together with the business association Associacao Comercial de Beira (ACB) in the Sofala region in Mozambique. The common project goal is to improve vocational training. Improved vocational training gives rise to an increased pool of qualified specialists, this in turn boosting the growth and competitiveness of small and medium-sized companies in the country. At the same time, job opportunities for youths, young adults and employees are improved in the region.

Weak points in the current education system 

On the one hand, the syllabuses of the vocational schools in Mozambique are not oriented to the actual needs of business. On the other hand, the private sector does not support the further development of vocational training in the southern African country. We therefore wish to work together with ACB to ensure that vocational qualifications are aligned more intensively to the needs of the economy.

Pro-business training as prospects

In order to embed small and medium-sized businesses in the development of practical vocational training in particular, we promote an exchange of ideas between these and the vocational schools as well as between business and the public sector. For instance, we are introducing new training courses that can be transferred long-term as a model for completely new training and further education courses. As a result, we have trained in-house trainers in both occupational education as well as heath and safety at work. They now impart their knowledge, which did not exist in the Mozambique economy until now, to their trainees.

The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) finances the project based in the harbour city of Beira via sequa. The project ends after 6 years in September 2021. 
