
Project Manager

Lukas Sum

+49 9281 7177-38

Setting up and developing a vocational school for underprivileged teenagers

Setting up and developing a vocational school for underprivileged teenagers

bfz offers profiling, vocational preparation and support for integrating teenagers into the labour market.

Together with the non-profit-making Don Bosco network, bfz develops in Ashaiman/Ghana a vocational school for training underprivileged Ghanaian teenagers and integrating them into the labour market.

Entering the labour market a challenge for growing young population

38.5 % of Ghana‘s population is aged under 15 and the fertility rate for Ghanaian women was at 3.98 births per woman in 2016. The educational system cannot cope with this enormous population growth. Entering the labour market is even more difficult for underprivileged teenagers, because a large proportion of vocational trainings is based on informal and fee-based apprenticeships taking place in local companies.

BINA Ghana offers local and free-of-charge vocational preparation for underprivileged Teenagers

The project is based on the three typical BINA components: vocational orientation, vocational preparation and job placement. To this end, bfz adapts proven measures and methods of vocational training and labour market integration from Bavaria to the situation in Ghana and trains local instructors as future multipliers for 5 different occupational fields. The new BINA project Ghana is designed for 1,500 underprivileged teenagers getting vocational preparation, with the goal to start a vocational training in a local company.

The project is promoted and financed by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development via sequa gGmbH.

01.09.2019 – 30.11.2022

