
Project Coordinator Vocational Education and Training

Jens Kayser

+49 9281 717718

Strengthening water partnerships

Strengthening water partnerships

A cooperation based on partnership ensures that the water supply in Kenya is organised better and more economically.

The Berufliche Fortbildungszentren der Bayerischen Wirtschaft (bfz) has been accompanying the two associations for the Kenyan water supply to establish an economical organisational structure oriented to requirements since 2011. Beneficiaries of the collaboration are the members of both associations WASPA Water Service Providers Association) and KWIA (Kenyan Water Industry Association).

Project objective: By increasing their expertise, both associations are to gain the ability to effectively represent the Kenyan water sector overall as well as the interests of their members with regard to public and state decision makers. The country’s water supply should also be safeguarded and improved by developing an effective portfolio of state-of-the-art services.

Furthermore, the development of national standards and the creation of a database for wells represented a key focus of the collaboration. Various training courses for the associations and their member companies were initiated and implemented with local experts on topics such as occupational safety and energy efficiency, amongst others. Further approaches included improving marketing and gaining members in the associations along with training courses on sustainable finance management.

The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) is financing the project via sequa as part of a Chambers and Associations Partnership (KVP). It is set to end after seven years in February 2018.
