
Project Manager

Marleen Winter

+49 931 7973248

Training of integration coaches

Training of integration coaches

Support for Syrian refugees and other participating groups in Turkey: The Bildungswerk der Bayerischen Wirtschaft (bbw) trains personnel locally, who are to coach the target group for better integration.

As part of the TAMEB project (German-Turkish partnership for vocational qualification), the bbw has been training social and integration coaches in Turkey since September 2017. These aim to help young Syrians in Turkey as well as disadvantaged Turks to integrate in society, gain a vocational qualification and find their feet in the jobs market.

Long-term need for coaches on site

Since the civil war broke out in Syria, over two million Syrian refugees have been registered in Turkey. Most lack career prospects. This, in turn, will place a burden on the regions where large numbers of refugees are living. At the same time, there are also many disadvantaged Turks in these municipalities. By training local social and integration coaches, the aim is be improve the situation there on a lasting basis while taking strain from the regions in question.

Training social and integration coaches

Experienced trainers from bbw utilise train-the-trainer activities along with on-the-job monitoring to train career and integration coaches in how to work with the target group. This enables sensitivity to the problems of the participants and teaches how to handle conflict situations. Supplementary to this, the bbw teaches the use of targeted didactic methods and techniques for crisis intervention as well as strategies for motivating the participants. Further modules of the coach training involve adaptation to the jobs market and actively preparing participants for the world of work. After their training, the coaches are deployed to the participating provinces of Istanbul, Ankara, Hatay, Mersin and Kilis.

The TAMEB project is funded by sequa with a fund from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The sub-project “Social and Integration Coaches” will run for two years ending in September 2019.
