
Project Manager

Marlyse Annoepel

+49 151 53275046

VET4Africa - Green citizen energy

VET4Africa - Green citizen energy

German teachers at vocational colleges qualify African vocational college teachers in Wildpoldsried/Germany for a promising future.

Education and Energy – Basic Prerequisites for Sustainable Development

Since 2018, the Bildungswerk der Bayerischen Wirtschaft (bbw) gGmbH in cooperation with the municipality of Wildpoldsried has been traininig African vocational college teachers in the development and use of renewable energy systems.

At the Ecological Education Centre in Wildpoldsried and in various vocational colleges in Africa, African teachers learn the basics of electrical and energy technology using a modular training system (PV1) and link this knowledge to photovoltaics. After having had very positive experience in previous training courses, the range and content of the training program for decentralized energy supply with renewable energy has been further improved and extended. In addition to another PV 1 training, the first trainings on module 2, “Planning, installing and operating small off-grid systems” will be offered in 2022.

Having finished such a course, the African trainers are able to enhance the modules on photovoltaics, which are part of the national curriculum, with their deepened specialist knowledge. By using the training systems PV1 and PV2, the lessons will be much more practice-oriented. The trainers undertake to instruct many local trainees in renewable energies (at least 50 trainees for PV1 and 30 for PV2 per year). The trainers are supported by German vocational college teachers as mentors, who regularly visit their African colleagues in their countries. Thus, a long-term relationship is established and the sustainable implementation of what has been learned is ensured.

Green Citizen Energy for Africa

60% of the people in Africa have no access to electricity – 80% of them live in rural areas. This is one of the obstacles to development on the continent. The Marshall-Plan for Africa, initiated by BMZ Minister Dr. Gerd Müller, aims, among other things, az promotin green citizen energy for Africa. Especially via small networks – independent of power lines and large power plants, self-managed and sustainable - 75% of the energy in Africa could come from mini grids in the next 10 years.(*)

Combining Theory and Practice

The training is based on a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical work, with particular emphasis on pedagogical concepts and fun with technology. The acquired knowledge is therefore not an end in itself, but is always integrated into practical examples of implementation. Thus, the training does not stop at photovoltaics but is always combined with examples of practical application.


Phase 2 of the project: November 2021 – October 2022



GIZ (Green Citizen Energy Program)


Municipality of Wildpoldsried

(*) From the speech of the Federal Minister Dr. Gerd Müller at the presentation of the certificate in Wildpoldsried on July 6, 2018