
Project Manager

Marleen Winter

+49 931 7973248

Voc2Deaf - Giving A Voice to Deaf People in Metal Sector

Voc2Deaf - Giving A Voice to Deaf People in Metal Sector

Under the motto "Give a voice to deaf people in the metal sector", bbw cooperates since autumn 2019 with 9 other European partners. The aim of the project is to develop tools for hearing impaired and deaf employees in the metal sector in order to expand their technical know-how and improve communication within the production line.

At the core of the project is the creation of an e-book that uses augmented reality technology to simulate realistic scenarios and thus simplify the training of the target group on standard machine parts. Processes, procedures and functions will be visualized and clearly explained using a technical sign language that will be refined during the project.

From need assessment to dissemination

The project is divided into different phases. First, an international comparative study identifies the challenges faced by hearing impaired and deaf people in their everyday work life and the most commonly used standard machine parts in the metal sector. Subsequently, technical terms for the machine parts will be defined and  if necessary developed taking into account the specifics of the national sign languages. Based on the study training scenarios will be designed, developed as AR applications and integrated  in the e-book. The target group can then use these later with mobile phones, laptops or PCs. In addition, a guideline for companies and employers will be created. This will give information and recommendation related to the employment of deaf people. Thereby the focus will be on communication within the company and personnel development opportunities. After a test phase, the tools will be advertised and made available free of charge in the participating countries.

Interdisciplinary team

The total of 10 international partners bring expertise from different areas. In addition to companies, chambers and employers' associations, a sign language center, educational providers and universities are also part of the consortium.


