Vocational training and employment for disadvantaged young people in Morocco

Vocational training and employment for disadvantaged young people in Morocco

bfz offers profiling, pre-occupational training and support for entering the labour market or starting a business.

Together with its partner FORGECIF in Rabat, bfz takes an active role at the Vocational Training Centre «Centre de la deuxième Chance». The following actions are taken at the centres: vocational orientation, qualification short-courses and workshops on integration into the labour market. In addition to offering technical qualification, the focus is also on teaching so called soft skills. There is a demand for those skills on the labour market, but teaching these skills has so far been neglected in vocational training. Soft skills include skills such as problem solving, being proactive, team work, communication, managing work and the work place, designing and preparing presentations. The courses and actions are aimed primarily at disadvantaged young people who are at risk of missing out on further education or employment.

Increased participation of enterprises in vocational training

The Moroccan vocational training system faces two main challenges: the gap between existing skills and labour market requirements and the fact that many young people leave school with low skills and are not ready for vocational training. The project aims to use the competences of partners from the business sector to close this gap. This approach fits perfectly into the reform agenda of the state vocational training agency «OFPPT», which is building new vocational training centres and focusses on competence-based training and more participation of companies in vocational training.

BINA Morocco trains local multipliers in five occupational fields as well as start-up consultants

The five occupational fields of electricity and solar energy, hotel and catering, geriatric care, storage and logistics as well as sanitary installations were selected for the project, because they offer young people good employment prospects in the country. In order to be able to offer measures in these occupational fields, bfz equips the schools accordingly and German experts train the local trainers in several one-week courses. Among other things, the local trainers are enabled to test young people’s talents and potential through a competence analysis. According to the identified strengths, about 1,000 young people – around a third of whom are female – then take part in vocational preparation courses in the respective occupational fields. After finishing the training, bfz also provides support in finding a job. Furthermore, the start-up consultants coach and advise interested candidates who would like to start their own business. Via a micro loan fund, 100 business founders can get financial support through the project.



The project is promoted by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development via sequa gGmbH.

It runs from 1 December 2019 until 31 December 2022
