
Project Manager

Marleen Winter

+49 931 7973248

Vocational training as mechatronics technician based on the German model

Vocational training as mechatronics technician based on the German model

Dual training structures, two venues of learning, practice-oriented teaching methods and a close exchange between industry and vocational schools - all this contributes to the improvement of vocational training in South Africa and thus addresses the issues of youth unemployment and shortage of skilled labor.

Since December 2019 bbw in cooperation with AHK  is  implementing a vocational training partnership with three vocational schools and local companies in South Africa. The project focuses on Gauteng - Bavaria's partner region. The aim is to introduce vocational training in mechatronics based on the German model. The first 16 young people started their training in January 2020.

Demand from the private sector

Vocational training in South Africa consists largely of theory. Companies complain of a high demand for onboarding and follow-up training. This makes it difficult for many young people to enter the labour market. Within the framework of the project bbw in cooperation with the AHK brings the core elements of dual vocational training in the field of mechatronics to South Africa. In addition to splitting the training into 2 learning locations - company and vocational school - the use of practice-oriented methods in competence development will be supported.

Improving vocational training 

The bbw provides technical support for the implementation of the training and empowers the state TVET Colleges to cover the theoretical part of the training in the long term through knowledge transfer, capacity building and consulting. Therefore bbw experts qualify local vocational school teachers in technical and pedagogical topics. At the same time bbw supports the partners in building networks and cooperation structures with the private sector. In addition  bbw organizes technical training courses in Germany to develop the professional skills and improve the quality of vocational training. 

Integration into the national qualification framework 

In 2018 during a previous short term project the dual vocational training in the field of mechatronics was accredited by the South African authorities and classified in the NQF at level 5 with the degree Occupational Certificate.The project has a duration of 3 years. It is financed by BMZ and administrated by sequa.


