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Dual vocational training system in Germany is regarded as a benchmark globally for comparing performance when it comes to the quality of training and its acceptance in the wider world of business and the economy.
To ensure the quality, and hence lasting success, of a vocational system, suitable management methods must be applied.
Our Research Institute for Vocational Education (f-bb) supports modernisation of the vocational education and continuing training system through contributions to application-oriented research.
Ascertaining competence through extensive tests is a cornerstone of successful career orientation.
We accompany companies in international markets.
The world is changing rapidly in the area of HR (Human Resources). Keep up with the times in the field of HR with formats and training from the bbw Group.
How labour market policies are oriented is crucial for the desired success.
The Career Team in the bbw Group assists companies and participants in the international recruitment of trainees, in the organisation and administration of funds as well as in the planning of language courses.
The advancement of women is underpinned by the concepts and services of the bbw Group.