Head of International Department bbw Group

Volker Falch

+49 821 5675610

Usage licenses

By licensing proven testing tools, bbw enables you to find suitable applicants for appropriate training among the candidates.

Best possible results are achieved when all pieces fit together perfectly: training content, apprentices and companies. The Bildungswerk der Bayerischen Wirtschaft (bbw) is renowned for its experience and up to date tools, meaning they can find the most appropriate candidate among a variety to match either the training content or the requirements of a (training) company.

Numerous proven testing tools will enable you to identify personal skills and select the most suitable candidates for training. Different modules show both the personal and professional strengths of young people and job-seekers and thus form the basis for a profound professional orientation.

In accordance with the needs and objectives of the customer, we offer different ways of licensing as to our extensive portfolio of software, materials, and training services. 

For further information please see www.kojack.de.